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Lead Acid Batteries Status - Needs Assessment Survey
Category:news Publish:2022-02-01 01:45:13 View:2562次
In response to the above resolutions and plans to undertake capacity-building activities and strengthen institutional capacity to address these challenges, UNEP conducted a needs assessment survey.
A survey was developed and sent to 102 countries to ascertain countries status on used lead acid batteries, regulations in place, monitoring manufacturing, recycling and trade processes involved with used lead-acid batteries, as well as specific country needs to enhance and strengthen institutions to manage this issue in a more environmentally sustainable manner.
From the responses from completed surveys, results showed the following needs in regions:
- Asia and the Pacific region expressed need for technical and capacity building as most required.
- Latin American region expressed more needs for monitoring system, national strategy, technical and capacity building, legislation and regulation building.
- Africa region expressed needs for monitoring system, public private partnership, technology, and legislation and regulation building.